Hi, I am Dr. Thibaud d'Oultremont

I have a Ph.D. in Biology and have worked in the field of energy healing for more than 10 years. I am fascinated by the power that genuine frequencies/vibrations of enzymes applied on our cells actually have. Those natural frequencies (vibrations) can assist our enzymes in our cells to work better. As many of my clients suggested me to put those BioEnergies (frequencies, vibrations) on the market to help more people, I decided to do it. It is an exciting moment as it is the first time, unless I am mistaken, that one is able to put those energies into pills in a way that makes economic sense.

I hope that those Genuine Natural BioEnergies (or vibrations/frequencies) embedded in our pills will assist your cells and optimize your life.

Thibaud d'Oultremont, Ph.D.

Dr. Thibaud d'Oultremont