Bioenergy Assist is an evidence-based company that offers a unique approach to wellness that goes beyond conventional supplements. Our products contain frequencies/vibrations that support your cellular health and function.

Your cells are constantly involved in biochemical reactions that sustain your life. These reactions depend on small molecules that are produced and used by the cells themselves, called enzymes. Without enzymes, there would be no biochemical reactions, and no life.

However, enzymes need to operate at a certain rate to ensure optimal cellular performance. Many factors, such as toxins, stress, sickness, aging, genetics, etc., can interfere with the enzymes and slow down biochemical reactions. This can lead to fatigue, poor health and increased susceptibility to diseases.

Thanks to a process called resonance, two objects can interact without touching; their vibrations can become coupled or entrained. (The word resonance is used more often than entrainment.) A musical analogy is the “tuning fork effect” in which the vibrations of one tuning fork causes another nearby tuning fork (tuned to the same note) to vibrate. See our blogs for more details.

Our Bioenergy products are designed to help the enzymes work as they should, by providing them with the right frequencies/vibrations through resonance. This way, you can enhance your cellular health and function, and live your life more optimally. Bioenergy Assist is more than a supplement company, it's a wellness partner.